A highly visual presentation of essenti al information covering over 165 species of commerciai importance, this new guide is an indispensable reference for traders, processors, fìsheries scientists, fìsheries economists, commerciai fìshermen, and ali who work within the fìshing industries of the world. This unrivalled presentation of quality information comprises a one-page or two-page spread for each species mentioned and lists species name, scientifìc name and family name, and includes a superb full-colour illustration. Common names are given in German, Japanese, Spanish, French, English, Italian, Danish, Norwegian, Dutch,Jortuguese, Russian, Swedish and Turkish. Pertinent commerciai information including nutritional data, typical size and weight, habitat characteristics and fìshing areas, fìshing and processing methods, and eating quality is given in Italian, Spanish, Danish, German and French.
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