in plastica scala 1:165.000 From N. Náxos up to N. Sámos. Includes: Islands of Sámos, Ikaría, Foúrnoi, Pátmos, Léros, Kálymnos, Psérimos, Lévitha , Donoúsa. Larger scale charts included in the back side: Vathy bay and harbour (Sámos); Pythagóreio harbour (Sámos); Évdilos and Ágios Kyrikos harbours (Ikaría); Bay of Korséon, channel and harbour of Foúrnoi; Ágios Geórgios harbour (Agathonísi); Skála harbour (Pátmos); Bay and harbour of Leipsoí; Bay and harbour of Lakkí (Léros); Póthia harbour (Kálymnos).
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