Reeds first Aid handbook

Reeds first Aid handbook

Thomas Martin, Davies Olivia

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€ 20,00
Whether you are sailing, motorboating, pottering around in a dinghy, racing, going fishing offshore or embarking on an ocean crossing, this is the essential pocket-sized guide to first aid you need to have on board. Aimed specifically at boaters, it covers every medical problem you may encounter on board, from common issues such as seasickness and sunburn to more serious problems such as broken bones and emergencies including heart attacks and strokes. Every problem is graded for its seriousness, indicating whether it is something you can treat yourself that needn't mean the end of the trip, or whether you should head back to shore or summon help immediately. It guides you in how to make someone comfortable and, in the most serious circumstances, improve their chances of making a full recovery. Clear, full-colour step by step diagrams illustrate succinct instructions for quick reference. The book also includes a guide on what to include in your on-board first aid kit, which differs depending on where you are going, and how long and how far you will be away from the nearest assistance. A handy reference to have on board wherever you are going, this book will boost your confidence, help you solve medical problems, and minimise the dangers in emergencies.
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