In 1995, French racing sailor Guy Bernardin bought a replica of the famous Spray and embarked with his wife and 3-year-old son on a circumnavigation retracing Joshua Slocum's famous voyage. They spent the next three years travelling around the world in the Spray of Sait-Briac. First, they took a trial run from Newport to Brittany, Guy's birthplace, and then on to Portugal and a crossing of the Atlantic and Caribbean, then back to New England via the Intracoastal Waterway. Once thoroughly familiar with life aboard the Spray of Sait-Briac, they set out in Slocum's wake. Their voyage took them from the Atlantic – where they narrowly escaped Hurricane Chantal – to the Azores, Tenerife, Culebra, the Panama Canal, the Pacific, the Tuamotus, Australia, the Indian Ocean, South Africa, the South Atlantic, and a stop at St Helena. This is the story of a happy family at sea. Bernardin brings a fresh perspective to his travelogue as he introduces his young child to life at sea, and with him discovers the whole world. This book also contains the full text of “A Critical Analysis of the Yawl Spray,” by Cipriano Andrade, Jr., which is reprinted from a 1909 issue of The Rudder.
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