Thls Is Fast Crulslng is a book for those who want to further their sailing enjoyment and experience. "Fast cruising" is a phrase used by the author to describe the philosophy and practice of sailing with everything just right. For instance the owner or skipper and crew is shown how skilled navigation can result in quicker passages, how certain kinds of deck gear can make sail handling a pleasure and how accommodation designed for passage making can enhance night sailing. Though much of the selection and up-dating to improve performance and style applies to a modern production cruiser, variations are not ignored and there is discussion on mult ihulls, special rigs and sails and the relevance of different design and construction. Among the topics, ali illustrated with full colour photographs and fu ll colour diagrams, are modern techniques for heavy weather and advisable preparations for it. Sing le-handed sailing receives close attention as do modern electronic aids, which are surveyed in a practical manner, an approach which is maintained on the many detailed subjects in this originai book.
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