Few topics in maritime hisrory are as fascinaring as che military exploits of che world's grear passenger stearnships. These sea-going grand hotels proved immensely valuable as wartime naval auxiliaries almost from che time of their origin as a distinct vessel type. Most of the ships we now acknowledge as Great Liners, passenger vessels whose size, performance, beauty, and styIe set them above lesser craft, have served as troop transports, hospital ships, and armed merchant cruisers. The Great Liners saw duty in conflicts from the Crimean War of 1854 to the 1982 battle for the Falkland lslands, and time and again proved themselves to be important, though sometimes tragically vulnerable, additions to che existing fleets. Illustrated with 200 rare photographs, Great Liners at War recounts the wartime exploits of che most prominent Great Liners. Follow che fate of these ships as they battle their way through terrible storms, minefields, enemy ships, aircraft, and submarine packs. Kronprinz Wilhelm, Lusitania, Vaterland, Queen Mary, and Queen EIizzbeth are just a few of the ships sailing through the pages of Great Liners at War, making it a must for anyone who enjoys high-seas adventure.
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