The paddle steamer has played a major part in maritime history. Its unique method of propulsion has meant that since its introduction as a means of supplementing sail power it has been employed in various modes for propelling craft of ali shapes and sizes. Paddlers have threshed their way through sea, rivers and lakes. They have undertaken lengthy voyages of exploration and discovery; acted as ferri es, ocean going liners, tugs, warships and in the first half ofthe twentieth century had a major role as excursion steamers. In the latter role they have brought millions of passengers a day of enjoyment or at worst their first uncornfortable signs of seasickness! Now the days of the paddler are numbered; more modem forrns of propulsion have taken their pIace and nostalgia has taken over. Not that the paddler is completely gone, for in many comers of the world there li es a reminder of the day when steam and feathering floats was supreme. This book by Bemard Cox is a unique documentation of the paddle steamer in ali its aspects be it side or stem wheeler. In its detailed text with over two hundred fascinating photographs the reader is shown many of the uses to which paddlers have been put. The majority of the illustrations have been drawn from the author' s own collection which has been built up over a quarter of a century. Many of the steamers such as Brunel's 'Great Eastem' are well known but others such as the United States Corps of Transport paddlern'Mississippi' are perhaps chronicled for the first time. The author is a founder member and one time curator of the Paddle Steamer Preservation Society.
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