Marine protected areas (MPAs) are being increasingly advocated or conceived as fisheries management instruments. The numerous advantages of MPAs, particularly in conjunction with other management tools, have been widely recognized. However, the limitations and drawbacks have also been noted. To improve the role of MPAs in fisheries management it was recommended that FAO develop technical guidelines on the design, implementation and review of MPAs. The Expert Workshop on Marine Protected Areas and Fisheries Management: Review of Issues and Considerations, which took place from 12 to 14 June, was the initial activity in a project that will provide information, assistance and guidance on the role of marine protected areas in fisheries management. Experts from a wide variety of disciplines - biological and ecological, social and economic, governance, and legal fields - were convened to review and characterize MPAs as a fisheries management tool. This publication contains the report of the workshop, key points agreed upon by participants and the commissioned background documents. The work done during this meeting and the background documents developed for it will serve to inform future activities of this project.
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